Collezionismo a 360 gradi

Collezionismo a 360 gradi

The shop Collezionismo a 360 gradi has its headquarters in Catania Italy, for over 25 years is a benchmark in the world of collecting.

All items for sale are old and original. On request it is possible to attach to the object for sale a declaration of originality of the object sold without

further additional charges. The shop is open from 9:15 until 12:30 hours and from 16.30 to 19.30 Closed on Sundays we are available to outside

normal opening hours by appointment. We are always interested in buying collectible material, please contact us via telephone,

to the numbers: tel. 095 / 88.10.669 or cell. 340.91.30.498

or send photos to view with your inquiries to info @ collezionismoa
